Pastor’s Pen

Pastor Jenna

Pastor Jenna

May 2024


“If anyone is in Christ, there is a
new creation: everything old has
passed away; see, everything has
become new!

(2 Corinthians 5:17)

Dear St. Andrew family of faith,

One of my favorite Sundays to celebrate Affirmation of Baptism just so happens to be Pentecost Sunday. As we remember the permanent outpouring of the Holy Spirit following Jesus’ ascension, it feels especially wonderful to celebrate our junior high students who have spent the last few years preparing to affirm their baptisms.

Our tradition practices affirmation of baptism, or confirmation, because we are a denomination that also affirms infant baptism. Faith and belief in God are lifelong practices, and by inviting our students to go deeper into the hows and whys of our tradition we keep our promises made in their baptisms. When they affirm their baptisms, they take on those promises for themselves as they publicly affirm their faith and commitment to following Jesus. Each student will declare their intent to live as a disciple of Christ and to embody the gospel as witnesses to God’s amazing grace. It is a time for celebration, for reflection, and for recommitment to the path of discipleship.

We encourage all members and friends of St. Andrew Lutheran to join us for this special service. Whether you are affirming your baptismal vows, supporting a loved one who is affirming theirs, or simply seeking to participate in this meaningful moment of worship, your presence is valued and welcomed. Together, let us surround one another with love, encouragement, and the assurance of God’s grace as we affirm our shared journey of faith.

Affirmation of Baptism is not just a one-time event but instead is a continuation of our lifelong journey of faith. As we affirm our baptismal vows, God invites us to recommit ourselves to living out our faith in our daily lives, to seeking justice and mercy, and to embodying the love of Christ in all that we do. May these students’ affirmation of their baptisms be a catalyst for spiritual growth and renewal in all of our lives and in the life of our church community.

We look forward to gathering together in worship and celebration on May 19. May God’s presence be palpable among us as we affirm our baptismal vows and recommit ourselves to following Jesus in faith and love.

Pr Jenna